  • Breastfeeding Advice

  • Sleep & Settling

  • Newborn Behaviours

  • Antenatal Support

  • Postnatal Retreats

Take a read through the sections below to see how I may be able to help you. If you have any questions or something you would like help with that is not listed below, then please don’t hesitate to contact me here. 

Breastfeeding Advice


One of the best gifts a mother can give her baby is to breastfeed. The advantages for both mother and baby are numerous. Breastfeeding is natural but it is not instinctive. It is a skill that needs to be learnt. In modern western society we have lost the skills that used to be shared in primitive culture between our sisters, cousins, mothers and Aunts. As a qualified International Breastfeeding Certified Lactation Consultant our philosophy is to support and encourage women to achieve their own desired outcome.


Breastfeeding for babies provides optimal nutrition in the first 6 months. This combines with the introduction of solids at around 6 months. It protects against illness due to breast milk containing mothers’ antibodies (which fight off infection). It also protects against some allergens and reduces the risk of contracting major disease. It is a safe warm and peaceful place for your baby to go when they are upset.


Just as breastfeeding has benefits for babies it is advantageous for mother’s as well. It can reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer as well as osteoporosis. It is convenient, free and is accessible at any time, in any place.


The function in a breastfeeding relationship is not just nutritional, but a nurturing one as well.


There are many factors that contribute to successful breastfeeding and it requires a team effort by both the mother and baby. Complications and challenges can arise from both. As a mother you may have flat or inverted nipples, a fast flow or low milk supply. Your baby may have a tongue or lip tie, a weak suck or may refuse the breast.

Postnatal Angels will come to you and offer specialist assistance, advice and support with any of the following challeneges:-


  • Attachment & Positioning
  • Managing sore / damaged nipples / Thrush
  • Low supply / Over supply
  • Engorgement / Mastitis / Blocked ducts
  • Expressing and storage of breastmilk
  • Tongue and / or lip tie
  • Baby with slow weight gain
  • Feeding problems / tongue and or lip tie / uncoordinated suck
  • Frequent feeding / poor sleeping (snacking and napping)
  • Return to work strategies
  • Breastfeeding twins or multiple births
  • Premature babies
  • Special needs babies
  • Relactation after cessation
  • Desire to breastfeed with adoption of a baby


free follow up phone call within a week of your appointment is included in your Lactation Consultation. Contact me to find out more.

Sleep and Settling Challenges


Postnatal Angels believes that between 0 – 6 months of age responding to a baby’s cues for sleep in a sensitive manner keeping the baby “in mind” is fundamental to the parent – infant relationship. Postnatal Angels works on teaching parents about cued – care which is a pattern of care characterized by sensitively responding to their baby’s cues. Having baby close enough to be able to respond to the cues given day or night will allow parents to become flexible and responsive to their baby’s needs.


Research based evidence shows that babies over 6 months and toddlers feel safe, secure and confident when they are in a routine. Parents are advised on age appropriate strategies in response to the cues given which will enable babies to know what is “coming next” giving them a sense of predictability, safety and security.


In order to ensure that your Postnatal Angels visit consists of tackling the challenge at hand, an email will be sent prior to the visit requiring you to fill out a Relevant History Taking form that may be helpful in the initial consult. Once this form is filled in and sent back, you will be contacted and an appropriate time will be made to home visit.


Sleep and settling home visits consist of a minimum of two hours with a weekly follow up phone call for a fortnight included in your sleep and settling consultation.


In February 2016 Postnatal Angels is opening a postnatal retreat at their residential home called “Peakehollow”. The opportunity to have a day stay consultation ensuring at least 2 sleep sessions during the day for you and your baby and with a lunch to suit your dietary requirements will be available. Contact me to find out more.

Understanding Newborn Behaviour’s


Understanding newborn behavior and responding to a baby in a sensitive manner is essential in developing secure attachments. Cued care is defined as a pattern of care characterised by sensible caregiver responsiveness to the infant’s communications, or cues. Responsiveness does not just mean responding but responding in a manner that replies to the infant’s communications by meeting the underlying need of the infant’s cues.


We are all relational beings and our first teachers about relationships are parents or the caregivers who raise us. What we experience early tends to repeat itself in later life. Way before an infant can talk they are learning what is necessary for a relationship with a parent or specific caregiver. “If I do this, they will respond like that”.


Postnatal Angels provides the opportunity for education on cues that a baby will give whether it be related to hunger, satiation, tiredness, or a sensory/emotional need. By interpreting and responding sensitively to the engaging and disengaging cues that a baby gives, will enhance optimal development and secure attachments.


Having a relationship that provides a secure attachment creates a sense of confidence for your child, knowing that there is a particular protective parent or care giver if needed. This also supports the child to go out and explore the world with the knowledge that it is safe to do so and that if they need there is the security of that care giver to come back to. Contact me to find out more.

Antenatal Support


The transition to parenthood is a time of change and is critically important not only for new parents but as the beginnings of infant development and relationships.


Antenatal breastfeeding education and anticipating what is to come with the transition to parenthood will enable you to be prepared for the arrival of your baby.


Postnatal Angels provides anticipatory guidance for you and your partner in what to expect in the first couple of weeks after bringing your baby home. Normalizing newborn behaviour and being prepared for the challenges that arise when adapting to having a baby in the house can be advantageous not only to ensure realistic expectations are met but by supporting the psychological shift that can occur as well. Contact me to find out more.



We have various pricing and services to suit your needs. From clinic visits to home visits and Skype sessions.


Clinic Visit  $90 hr


Home Visit   $125 hr (within 40 km of clinic in Bangalow)


Skype Session   $75 hr or $50 1/2 hr


Lactation Package   $300 including: 1 hr antenatal session, 1 hr support at hospital or home following birth (within 48 hrs), 1 hr follow up support session within first 6 weeks.